
"Banana Chocolate Chip Muffin"

July 21, 2015 / BY Unknown
Hi There! Today in Eats Tuesday, I have a special treat for you.  It's my Banana Chocolate Chip Muffin recipe inspired by yummy ph magazine.  Here are the ingredients and recipe.  Let me know what you want me to bake next :) Enjoy! ...

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Babymoon Travel Essentials (My Top Ten)

July 09, 2015 / BY Unknown
Hi there!  Last April, my husband and I went on a trip to Phuket Thailand for our Babymoon.  And for that I just want to share with you my Top Ten Travel Essentials for Pregnant women. (This is in no particular order) 1. A Pillow or Contour Pillow - this for me is a life savior.  We there you're traveling by plane or by other means, you must have it.  And even if the hotels we...

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